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  • ミヤコグサ Lotus japonicus
  • ミヤコグサ Lotus japonicus
  • ダイズ Glycine soja

Resource Types

Lotus japonicus EMS M2 bulked seeds

L. japonicus Miyakojima MG-20 M2 bulked seeds treated with EMS.

L.j EMS M2-2

EMS treatment: 0.4 % (v/v) EMS solution for 8 to 10 hours.
Number of seeds: approximately 9,000 seeds derived from 1,900 M1 plants (100 plants X 19 batch).
Seeds harvesting: 2007
Simple assay for mutations:
Set No. Set 2
No. of seedlings tested 259
Chlorophyll mutant 0
Root hair mutant 2
Other morphological mutant 0

Observing the form of two-weeks-old seedlings on the 1/2 MS medium with 1.5% agar.

Stock : 0set

L.j EMS M2-3

EMS treatment: 0.4 % (v/v) EMS solution for 8 to 10 hours.
Number of seeds: approximately 8,500 seeds derived from 2,000 M1 plants (100 plants X 20 batch).
Seeds harvesting: 2007
Simple assay for mutations:
Set No. Set 3
No. of seedlings tested 229
Chlorophyll mutant 0
Root hair mutant 3
Other morphological mutant 0

Observing the form of two-weeks-old seedlings on the 1/2 MS medium with 1.5% agar.

Stock : 0set

L.j EMS M2-5

EMS treatment: 0.4 % (v/v) EMS solution for 8 to 10 hours.
Number of seeds: approximately 8,400 seeds derived from 1,200 M1 plants (100 plants X 12 batch).
Seeds harvesting: 2007-8
Simple assay for mutations:
Set No. Set 5
No. of seedlings tested 222
Chlorophyll mutant 0
Root hair mutant 2
Other morphological mutant 0

Observing the form of two-weeks-old seedlings on the 1/2 MS medium with 1.5% agar.

Stock : 0set

L.j EMS M2-6

EMS treatment: 0.4 % (v/v) EMS solution for 8 to 10 hours.
Number of seeds: approximately 6,300 seeds derived from 1,000 M1 plants (100 plants X 10 batch).
Seeds harvesting: 2007-8
Simple assay for mutations:
Set No. Set 6
No. of seedlings tested 176
Chlorophyll mutant 0
Root hair mutant 0
Other morphological mutant 0

Observing the form of two-weeks-old seedlings on the 1/2 MS medium with 1.5% agar.

Stock : 2sets

L.j EMS M2-7

EMS treatment: 0.4 % (v/v) EMS solution for 8 to 10 hours.
Number of seeds: approximately 8,400 seeds derived from 1,000 M1 plants (100 plants X 10 batch).
Seeds harvesting: 2007-8
Simple assay for mutations:
Set No. Set 7
No. of seedlings tested 156
Chlorophyll mutant 0
Root hair mutant 0
Other morphological mutant 1

Observing the form of two-weeks-old seedlings on the 1/2 MS medium with 1.5% agar.

Stock : 2sets

L.j EMS M2-8

EMS treatment: 0.4 % (v/v) EMS solution for 8 to 10 hours.
Number of seeds: approximately 6,600 seeds derived from 1,000 M1 plants (100 plants X 10 batch).
Seeds harvesting: 2008-9
Simple assay for mutations:
Set No. Set 8
No. of seedlings tested 234
Chlorophyll mutant 1
Root hair mutant 2
Other morphological mutant 0

Observing the form of two-weeks-old seedlings on the 1/2 MS medium with 1.5% agar.

Stock : 0set

L.j EMS M2-9

EMS treatment: 0.4 % (v/v) EMS solution for 8 to 10 hours.
Number of seeds: approximately 7,000 seeds derived from 1,000 M1 plants (100 plants X 10 batch).
Seeds harvesting: 2008-9
Simple assay for mutations:
Set No. Set 9
No. of seedlings tested 165
Chlorophyll mutant 0
Root hair mutant 2
Other morphological mutant 0

Observing the form of two-weeks-old seedlings on the 1/2 MS medium with 1.5% agar.

Stock : 0set

L.j EMS M2-10

EMS treatment: 0.4 % (v/v) EMS solution for 8 to 10 hours.
Number of seeds: approximately 5,000 seeds derived from 1,000 M1 plants (100 plants X 10 batch).
Seeds harvesting: 2008-9
Simple assay for mutations:
Set No. Set 10
No. of seedlings tested 162
Chlorophyll mutant 1
Root hair mutant 0
Other morphological mutant 0

Observing the form of two-weeks-old seedlings on the 1/2 MS medium with 1.5% agar.

Stock : 3sets
NBRP NationalBioResource Project
National BioResource Project(L.japonicus and G. max) Office
Faculty of Regional Innovation, University of Miyazaki
1-1 Gakuenkibanadai-nishi, Miyazaki 889-2192, JAPAN
E-mail : [email protected]