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  • ミヤコグサ Lotus japonicus
  • ミヤコグサ Lotus japonicus
  • ダイズ Glycine soja

Order and MTA

Conditions for providing the resources

The National Bioresource Project provides resources to domestic and foreign researchers on the basis of the conclusion of the material transfer agreement (MTA). The MTA form will be sent to the researcher after the receipt of the request order form. The researcher is then asked to return the MTA after filling the necessary items following an example. The requested resource will be sent to the researcher after the receipt of the MTA. For a resource of which the depositor submits a special condition on its use, additional documents will be sent.

The user of the resource should clarify that the research material was provided by the National Bioresource Project (Lotus japonicus, Glycine max) in his/her presentations and publications in the "materials and methods" or the "acknowledgment" section. Also, the user of the L. japonicus RILs should mention that the lines were established at Kazusa DNA Research Institute.

The amount of the resources provided

Lotus japonicus
Wild accessions 30 grains
Experimental strains Miyakojima MG-20, Gifu B-129, L. burttii B-303: 1.0g
RIL 30 grains
Mutant strains 10 grains
Clone, M.loti STM mutant Stab (2.0 ml tube)
Vector 200ng DNA
Root culture system 10 roots in 50 ml tube
Glycine max
Wild species 30 grains
Landrace & Cultivar 30 grains
RIL 30 grains
Mutant strains 10 grains
Clone Stab (2.0 ml tube)

We can not accept the order including with different resource category. There are 5 kinds (categories) of resource as below.
1. Seed of Lotus japonicus
2. Seed of Glycine max
3. L. japonicus bulked M2 seeds
4. DNA, Vector and Rhizobium
5. Root culture system (Superroot)

Upon receiving the resource

Please check the content and send back the enclosed receipt form after filling the necessary items to the following address by mail. In the case of any damage, please let us know.

National BioResource Project (L. japonicus and G. max) Office
Faculty of Regional Innovation, University of Miyazaki
1-1 Gakuenkibanadai-nishi, Miyazaki 889-2192, JAPAN

Please send the request order form after filling the necessary items (* are essential). If you receive no confirmation e-mail or call from us within one week, please contact .

NBRP NationalBioResource Project
National BioResource Project(L.japonicus and G. max) Office
Faculty of Regional Innovation, University of Miyazaki
1-1 Gakuenkibanadai-nishi, Miyazaki 889-2192, JAPAN
E-mail : [email protected]